The milage I got the last 6 times has been (with AC on 100% of the time) -
- 362 km
- 368 km
- 362 km (this was 1k worth of normal petrol, therefore more litres)
- 182 km (with Rs 500 of petrol)
- 362 km
- 398 km!!
Now, in my whole driving life, I have never been fined or had any mishaps. I've been told I drive well. And yet in the last 3 weeks, I have paid out to traffic policemen the following amounts -
- Rs 500 (talking on a mobile phone while driving)
- Rs 900 (speeding at 71 kmph - the speed limit is apparently 50!!)
- Rs 600 (damaged number plate - some retard actually got kicks out of scratching out a character from my number plate)
I dont know if its luck or Delhi police in need of funds. Any which way, I'm a more careful driver this week!!