Thursday, October 11, 2007

Johnny G

I saw a movie recently after a fairly longish time. With a rather unusual title, Johnny Gaddaar is actually a great viewing experience. I found it quite gripping and real. And though quite violent, the story kept my interest alive at all points.

The movie tells the story of a gang, each of which could be out to double cross the rest, and how coincidences and twists and turns keep each of them guessing about the motives of the others. I wont detail out anything else in this post though...

The music is also good (the movie thankfully only has very brief snippets of the songs, Hollywood style) and the acting competent.

Altogether a good watch. I'm also hoping to watch another strangely titled movie soon. This one is called Manorama, Six Feet Under!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am really looking forward to watching Manorama... why dont you come down and we'll see it together ? :))

Good to see you posting after a long hiatus.
