Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pyar ke side effects - 1

I recently saw 'Pyar ke Side Effects'. Quite a good movie, I thought. Funny and watchable. Coincedentally, I also happened to get back in touch with a long lost dear friend of mine who is now in the US. We got chatting about several things, and one big question that loomed up suddenly (in the context of this movie) was 'What is Love'???

My initial take on this was quite analytical and I thought that love is a mechanism that has been designed by nature to ensure survival of the species. Think of it - love is what gets a man and woman together, love is what causes babies to be born, love is what ensures that parents care for a child till it can survive on its own, love is what keeps a family together to ensure that the child has benefits of both a father and mother and therefore the best chances of survival.

My friend (who happens to be married) though did not agree with this. Her take was that love is a dependence that causes 2 people to be bound to one another even though they may have differences otherwise. To this my immediate objection was that love cannot be a dependence, it has to be a choice. And my friend's reaction was that it starts as a choice, and eventually becomes a dependence.

Now I know that there cannot be one answer to this question. Philosophers have grappled with this question for centuries. A buddy of mine put it accurately when he said love is different things for different people.

Would be good to get your reactions to this provocative question!

In the final analysis, I conclude (for now :-) that love is essentially undefined. It does not matter WHAT love is, what matters is HOW it affects you. I think love is what makes life a little less ordinary. All of us look for a reason to live. Wherever we find that reason, we call it love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is some very mature have touched a very delicate topic which everybody is trying to figure out .
actually when people generalize they forget that everything is constantly changing. what is true one day becomes false the next day.our feelings and priorities too keep changing. love also keeps changing sometimes it changes into hatred. but the scary part is nobody can do anything about it ,one can only take can only plant the right seed and expect a beautiful plant..but if one plants a cactus it would be foolish to expect roses.v