Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How I got my blog back

I just had a terrible last thirty minutes. Apparently big boy Google has done some skullduggery with my modest blog, and moved it to some new version or some such. Now usually I set cookies so that I can login to blogger and start posting right away. Because of this version shift, I was asked to login to blogger, and when I did so with my google account, it logged in nice and proper, but I could not see my blog!! In other words, Nothing Spectacular was frozen in time for ever, never to be updated!!!
Now I'm usually quite casual in updating my blog, and have never afforded it any kind of importance. But once I realized that I had lost it, I was frantic!! I felt unheard and invisible. My identity had vanished!! (I may be hyperventilating a bit here, but I really was quite upset).
Various help queries and a million links later, I was struck by one stray thought, which led me to check on some old file where I usually store my myraid usernames. A quick check, and I realized the goof up that I was making, so finally I got my blog back... Yippee :-)

This has a few lessons for me (in random order):
  1. Backup, backup, backup - usernames, passwords, posts, everything
  2. Google really does hold a lot of power over my life (and its surely and steadily increasing)
  3. No man is an island - I realize I've begun to covet my blog!!
  4. You realize the value of something only once you lose it
  5. All's well that ends well :-)

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