Saturday, January 19, 2008


The reason I've been sloth in posting on this blog (no posts in December!!) has been that I've been on a long vacation, the highlight of which was terminal Blackjack addiction in Las Vegas, not only for me but also my otherwise wise wife! The paradox is that there are so many things to blog about, that I probably wont be able to write about even one of them.

But first here's wishing everyone a very belated and very happy new year!

On Jan 1 2007, I had made 3 resolutions, which were pretty fundamental. They involved desired changes in my weight, career, and marital status. By a huge coincidence and massive doses of luck, I was able to fulfil all of them (alas, a few only temporarily!!). This hugely encouraged me to make some resolutions for this year as well, and I have given this matter some desultory thought over the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately, I was unable to come up with very fundamental resolutions, which I could keep. So here are some relatively light ones, which I will document here, and judge my performance against at the end of 2008:

  1. Limit alcohol intake to once a month (wine not included here since I usually dont swill wine uncontrollably)
  2. Wake up early (i.e. early for me - 6:30 am) each day
  3. Contribute significantly to charity at least twice in the year
  4. Learn a new activity - either Karate or some form of dance
  5. Push myself harder professionally

Would be good to hear about your resolutions as well!

1 comment:

Bland Spice said...

no plans to change your marital status again this year - he he!

dude, i am travelling this weekend - next weekend pakka milte hain.