Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mice in Men and Catcher in the Rye

Mice in Men:
I picked up this book of short stories, written by a doctor called Anirban Bose at the airport, hoping to fill up the 2 hours of my cramped flying time. Surprisingly, I found some of the stories quite good! Perhaps because I did not have too many expectations to begin with, but most of the stories held my interest, and most importantly, gave me a different perspective on things.

The fictional stories all have a doctor as the protagonist, and are slice-of-life / twist in the end type of stories. Good for a couple of hours of reading. Especially good are 3 stories - Stockholm Syndrome (written like a suspense thriller), The Best Way to Eat Mangoes (fantastic story, totally identifiable) and The Best Oishi (hauntingly true - brings a lump in the throat).

Catcher in the Rye:
What can I say about this evergreen classic that has not been said before? I read it for the third time recently, and loved it even more than before. Holden Caulfield, madman, genius, supreme humanist - the guy has characteristics that would make each reader identify with him. A loser in the conventional sense, the guy is one of the most memorable protagonists in popular literature.

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