Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I usually am not happy about delayed flights. Waiting at crowded airport lounges with a warm laptop on my thighs and loud piped music intruding into my innermost soul gives me the creeps. But this one Chennai - Delhi Indian Airlines flight IC 539 gives me reason to say thanks. Whiling away time while trying to pretend the nasal gentleman who kept shouting that he was sorry for 'late arrival of aircraft' from Bombay did not exist, I chanced upon my friend Andy's blog.
Andy's blog makes one feel that he leads an exciting life. It also brings out the grandfather in me, wanting to share (shove?) pearls of wisdom with anyone who cares to read.
So after much procrastination and an earlier still-born effort, here it is!! My very own blog.
Hope it leads to big things.
Here's to many more delayed flights and noisy airport lounges :-)


Alam said...

dude i started something..2 years back...you are inspiring me to get back on to it
its at baawara.blogspot.com

bluesky said...

welcome hai

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