Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rules of engagement

Now that the plunge is taken, its time to create a strategy for this blog. Is this page going to be like my aforementioned friend Andy's blog - mostly slices of life and descriptions of exotic Indian places? Or will it be like my friend Groovy's blog - reaching out to find an audience for his poetry?
What would YOU want to visit this page everyday to read?
On some reflection, I come to the conclusion that blogging is really about finding an outlet for expression, and not a carefully constructed compilation of content. Build the power plant and the industries will come to you!! (a contextual and unfunny take on building the apocryphal mousetrap)
Therefore, I will blog about what I find interesting - random thoughts and reactions to the varying vicissitudes of life.
Very satisfying to have decided on the strategy. Now to implement :-)

1 comment:

Amit said...

well, as far as i have heard the only consultants who implement are the ones who dont exist.