Tuesday, December 12, 2006


My current project at work seems to be jinxed. Nothing is as it should be - extremely long hours, working weekends, early morning (make that really late night) flights, tons of negative feedback, lots of angst and general unhappiness have been starring features of this project. But what takes the cake is events of this morning.

I write this as I sit inside a grounded Jet Airways airplane, approximately 3.5 hours after I boarded. After a late night (slept at 1am), I got up again and left home at 4:30am, to be in time to catch the 6:15 am flight to Kolkata. Just as we boarded, dense fog enveloped the airfield and that was the end of flying hopes. Even now, the cabin crew confidently expect a delay of 'only' 30 mins before we can be airborne.

In this happy situation, I can think of two lessons for myself:
  1. When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade - I have tried to live by this and catch up on some sleep. But the cramped seats on Jet are not exactly conducive to this activity. The next best activity in this situation is blogging, which I am doing now.
  2. Its time to think of other things - this thought actually came to me last night after a particularly frustrating day. Maybe this is not how I was intended to lead my (apology of a) life. I'm sure there are many better things out there, waiting to be tried. Maybe it is time to jump into the deep end.

At the end of the day, I think all that matters is the ability to look detachedly at situations and figure out how they can be used to make the future better. In that context, maybe this project is not jinxed after all!!


Anonymous said...

"When life hands you a lemon, blog"
Great quote! :)

Anonymous said...

u thinking of getting released corp slavery?


Anonymous said...

Thats true da. It takes peaks of boredom or frustration to make you sit-up, put your mind to the situation at hand, and get moving !

Has the madness subsided ? Its 14th afterall !

The harmeless Me

Bland Spice said...

i am at the opposite end :)

nothing to do and hence bored to death!

Anonymous said...

dude well said...yest i was workin on an absolutely fabulous sunny day...i dragged my entire team out to lunch in Cafe Turtle...

we screwed up the work but end of day we were glad not to hv missed on a sunny terrace lunch which i'll remember forever...


Shekhchilli said...

waiting at the airports is a fate we sign onto when we take the kind of jobs we are doing... its interesting, I had a similar experience at the Chicago airport a couple of weeks back and I did exactly what you did - blogged! (Maybe you should read my blog of that day, would resonate with you)... let me repeat what is now fast becoming a famous quote, "When life hands you a lemon, blog!"

Anonymous said...

darkest before dawn??!!!