Friday, June 27, 2008

Thought for the day

I met a hugely successful person (by all conventional standards) today. Though he had a tendency to speak in rhetoric, one good thought he left with me -
'Don't run after money, because then you are only running along with everyone else. Follow your principles, do what you do best and let money run after you'

Not reproduced here verbatim, but substantially to similar effect. I love it!!


Bland Spice said...
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Bland Spice said...

From a hugely unsuccesful person (by any standard!): Sounds good - about the principle part at least but the "letting the money run after you" (as if you were not letting it so far) is very juvenile.

It's like those tips on time management - have clear etched goals. Oh yea - like it's a snap of the fingers, right?

I handle words from successful people with a pinch of salt - many a times, they make sweeping generalizations and assumptions in the flush of success.

I personally know a couple of people at least, in their 35s - geniuses - who stand for their principles more than any other person I have seen; and yet because of that very decision, financial success eludes them. One is into theatre and the other into a host of activities ncl. a startup and writing career.

I would have liked it if he had skipped the money part. Principles or horde - this is a choice about the person you want to be. The former is about not compromising your self to yourself. It's an ethical inner choice independent of success and money. Success may follow or may not.

Nothing Spectacular said...

i guess the guy meant that one should focus on doing what one does best - as you yourself put it - money may or may not follow. the key point is not that money WILL follow, but that by removing focus from the accumulation of money as a means in itself, one leads a much more fulfilling life.

so reiterating again - he did not mean that do what you do best BECAUSE it will lead to more money. He meant do not focus on the accumulation of money. let it be a by-product (or maybe not at all)

Anonymous said...


standing for something being more fulflling that chasing - that I think is pretty true.
